1. Which state was added to the union as a result of the compromise of 1850

A. Maine
B. Missouri
C. Nebraska
D. California***

2. What issue was at stake when free and slave states reached the Missouri compromise

A. Power***
B. Tariffs
C. Abolition
D. Secession

I agree

1. The state that was added to the union as a result of the Compromise of 1850 is D. California.

2. The issue at stake when free and slave states reached the Missouri Compromise was A. Power.

To find the answer to the first question, we can look up the "compromise of 1850." The compromise of 1850 was a set of laws passed by the United States Congress in an attempt to settle disagreements between Northern and Southern states over the expansion of slavery in newly acquired western territories.

One of the provisions of the compromise was the admission of California to the Union as a free state. Therefore, the correct answer to the first question is D. California.

As for the second question, the Missouri Compromise of 1820 was an agreement between free and slave states that focused on the issue of slavery in the western territories. It aimed to maintain the balance of power between free states and slave states.

So, the answer to the second question is A. Power, as it refers to the power struggle between free states and slave states and their desire to maintain equal representation in Congress.

thank you