There are 45,000 calories in one ounce of pasta, how many ounces do i have to eat to get from ground floor to the 3rd floor (18.2 m)? my weight is 58kg

To calculate the number of ounces of pasta you would need to eat to ascend from the ground floor to the third floor, we first need to determine the amount of energy burned during this climb, considering your weight.

1. Convert your weight from kilograms to pounds: 58 kg * 2.20462 = 127.86836 lbs (round to 127.87 lbs).

2. Calculate the total work done while climbing, using the formula:
Work (in foot-pounds) = force (in pounds) * distance (in feet)
Since the climb distance is given in meters, we need to convert it to feet:
18.2 m * 3.281 ft/m = 59.7112 ft (round to 59.71 ft)

3. Convert your weight from pounds to force in pounds:
Force = mass (in pounds) * acceleration due to gravity (32.174 ft/s^2)
Force = 127.87 lbs * 32.174 ft/s^2 = 4114.81938 lbs*ft/s^2 (round to 4114.82 lbs*ft/s^2)

4. Calculate the total work done:
Work = 4114.82 lbs*ft/s^2 * 59.71 ft = 245970.0262 lbs*ft (round to 245970.03 lbs*ft)

5. Convert work done from foot-pounds to calories:
Calories = work (in foot-pounds) * 0.002356 calories/foot-pound
Calories = 245970.03 lbs*ft * 0.002356 calories/foot-pound = 579.31 calories (round to 579.31 calories)

6. Finally, divide the total calories burned during the climb by the number of calories per ounce of pasta:
Ounces of pasta = Calories burned / Calories per ounce
Ounces of pasta = 579.31 calories / 45000 calories/oz = 0.01288 ounces (round to 0.01 ounces)

Therefore, you would need to eat approximately 0.01 ounces of pasta to have enough energy to climb from the ground floor to the third floor, considering your weight.