Can "I left Baltimore with a young heart overborne with sadness, and a soul full of apprehension", be used as antithesis?


What about "Their joy at my return equalled their sorrow at my departure"? Could this b a antithesis

I don't see an antithesis in that example.

What kind of stylistic device could it be identified as?

Yes, the sentence "I left Baltimore with a young heart overborne with sadness, and a soul full of apprehension" can be considered as an example of antithesis. Antithesis is a rhetorical device that involves contrasting two opposing ideas or concepts in a sentence or a passage.

To identify antithesis in a sentence, you can look for the presence of contrasting ideas or conflicting emotions that are presented side by side. In this case, the contrasting ideas are "a young heart overborne with sadness" and "a soul full of apprehension." These two phrases represent opposing emotions and create a juxtaposition of feelings, making it a good example of antithesis.

To analyze a sentence for antithesis, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify the contrasting ideas: Look for words, phrases, or concepts that are presented in opposition to each other.
2. Determine if the contrasting ideas are parallel in structure: Antithesis often employs parallelism, using similar grammatical structures or patterns to juxtapose the opposing ideas.
3. Check for clarity and coherence: Ensure that the contrasting ideas are expressed clearly and effectively to create a strong contrast.

By following these steps, you can analyze a sentence and determine if it exhibits antithesis.