How to tell by an example which is a robot and which is a nobot?

My example is: security lights that turns on whenever someone walks by= nobots
I need to know how do you know by an example which is which

To determine whether something is a robot (bot) or not a robot (nobot), you can consider the following factors:

1. Autonomy: Bots are typically programmed to perform tasks independently, while nobots are controlled or activated by external factors.
2. Artificial Intelligence: Bots often incorporate AI technologies to make independent decisions, learn, and adapt, while nobots typically lack this capability.
3. Interaction: Bots can often respond to human input or interact with their surroundings, while nobots usually do not have this functionality.
4. Complexity: Bots tend to be more complex, with a range of sensors, actuators, and advanced programming, whereas nobots are usually simpler devices.
5. Purpose: Bots are often designed to perform specific tasks or functions, while nobots may have a broader range of functionalities or serve general purposes.

Based on your example of security lights that turn on whenever someone walks by, it is more likely to be categorized as a nobot. These lights are activated by an external stimulus (motion detection) rather than having independent decision-making capabilities or the ability to interact with their environment. They function as a reactive system, triggered by an event, and do not possess traits commonly associated with robots.