standard form Ax + By = C

Convert equation into standard form

Y = 9/7x + 1

7y = 9x + 7

Only if you really mean

y = (9/7) x + 1

or in other words

y = 9x/7 + 1

9 x - 7 y = -7

To convert the equation into standard form (Ax + By = C), you need to eliminate the fraction first. Multiply both sides of the equation by 7 to remove the fraction:

7y = 9x + 7

7 * 7y = 7 * (9x + 7)

49y = 63x + 49

Now, rearrange the equation in standard form:

63x - 49y = -49

Therefore, the equation Y = 9/7x + 1 in standard form is 63x - 49y = -49.

To convert the equation into standard form (Ax + By = C), you need to eliminate any fractions and rearrange the equation so that x and y terms are on the same side and C is on the other side.

Given equation: Y = 9/7x + 1

To eliminate the fraction, you can multiply every term in the equation by 7:

7y = (9/7)x + 1 * 7


7y = 9x + 7

Now, you have the equation in standard form (Ax + By = C), where A = 9, B = -7, and C = 7.