I have noticed that in the past three months, a month after Jessica Hilo’s medical leave, there have been problems concerning Ruth and Jack’s workload. To begin with, Jessica’s duties have been temporarily reassigned to Frank and Ralph. Furthermore, Ruth supports the team of Frank and Samuel Daley, both part-time assistants whereas Jack supports the team of Ralph Alane and Jessica Hilo, both full-time assistants. However, Ruth has an overload of work which makes her cuts her breaks short in order to complete her work, she complains of being tired, and has poor work quality which Frank complains about. In addition, she also requires overtime at least twice a month costing an extra $200 to the company. Meanwhile, Jack comes late at work, frequently has little to do, and takes longer breaks. Despite that, he always completes his work professionally. As a result, I will schedule a meeting with the Human Resource Director and all teams involved to resolve this matter.

By taking into consideration all the details of this problem, one of the best ways solutions is to assign both teams a full-time assistant. Because of the uncertainty of when or if Jessica is coming back, we can hire a temporary full-time assistant replacement. This would cost more money but would immensely ameliorate the work flow between both teams.
Another solution is to impose consequences on those who do not respect office rules contrast to those who do. This would benefit the in-office atmosphere among co-workers. Moreover, I will constantly supervise the work flow to ensure everything is on the right track. With these solutions in place, I believe it will make our employees happier, minimize stress for everyone, and make the business, as a whole, more efficient over the longer term.

Based on the information provided, it seems that there are issues with the workload distribution among the teams after Jessica Hilo went on medical leave. Ruth has an overloaded workload, resulting in poor work quality, tiredness, and the need for overtime. On the other hand, Jack has little to do, takes longer breaks, but still completes his work professionally.

To resolve this matter, you have suggested two potential solutions.

The first solution is to assign both teams a full-time assistant. Because the return of Jessica is uncertain, hiring a temporary full-time assistant replacement can help alleviate the work flow issues between the teams. Although this solution may require additional funds, it can greatly improve efficiency.

The second solution is to introduce consequences for those who do not follow office rules, in contrast to those who do. By enforcing accountability and establishing a positive work atmosphere, this measure can improve the dynamics among co-workers.

Additionally, you propose taking on the responsibility of supervising the workflow constantly to ensure everything is on the right track. This proactive approach can help identify any issues and address them promptly.

By implementing these solutions, you aim to create a happier work environment, minimize stress, and improve overall business efficiency in the long run.

To implement these solutions, you should schedule a meeting with the Human Resource Director and all teams involved. During the meeting, present the issues at hand, explain the proposed solutions, and discuss their feasibility and potential impact. Collect feedback from the participants and collaboratively come up with an action plan for implementation.

Remember, effective communication, collaboration, and a willingness to adapt and find solutions collectively are key to resolving workplace issues.

To address the problems concerning Ruth and Jack's workload, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify the issue: Recognize that Ruth has an overload of work, resulting in poor work quality and the need for overtime, while Jack has little to do, takes longer breaks, and comes late to work.

2. Schedule a meeting: Gather all teams involved, including Ruth, Jack, Frank, Ralph, and Samuel Daley, along with the Human Resource Director, to discuss the issues and find a resolution.

3. Analyze the workload distribution: Assess the workload distribution among the teams. Take into account the temporary reassignment of Jessica's duties to Frank and Ralph. Evaluate if reallocating the workload can address the problem adequately.

4. Consider hiring a temporary full-time assistant: Since the return of Jessica is uncertain, hiring a temporary full-time assistant could help alleviate the workload. This additional employee can support both teams, ensuring that tasks are handled efficiently.

5. Implement office rule consequences: Create a set of consequences for those who do not respect office rules, such as punctuality and breaks. Communicate these consequences clearly to all employees. Recognize and reward those who consistently follow the rules to promote a positive office environment.

6. Provide constant supervision: Regularly monitor and supervise the work flow to ensure that tasks are being completed efficiently and effectively. Regular check-ins with both teams will help identify any emerging issues and address them promptly.

7. Measure the impact: After implementing the solutions, evaluate their effectiveness in resolving the workload issues. Monitor and track any improvements in work quality, employee satisfaction, and overall efficiency within the teams.

By following these steps, you can work towards resolving the workload problems and creating a more harmonious and productive work environment.