Lian's dog is 456 millimeters tall. How many centimeters tall is Lian's dog?

Is 4.56 centimeters the correct answer?

No. You are both wrong.

1 centimeter = 10 millimeters.

45.6 is the answer.


Btw -- my little finger is about 4.56 centimeters long.


To convert millimeters to centimeters, you need to divide the number of millimeters by 10, since there are 10 millimeters in 1 centimeter.

Therefore, to find out how many centimeters tall Lian's dog is, you can divide the given measurement of 456 millimeters by 10.

Dividing 456 by 10 gives us 45.6.

So, Lian's dog is 45.6 centimeters tall.

Therefore, the correct answer is not 4.56 centimeters but 45.6 centimeters.

Yes, 4.56 is the correct answer.