jody gets paid $200.00 per week, plus $100.00 for every oil change she completes. write the equation that shoes the relationship between the number of oil changes and her weekly income. then write the slope of the line that represents the relationship

I mean $10.00 for every oil change

To write the equation that shows the relationship between the number of oil changes and Jody's weekly income, we can start by identifying the components that contribute to her income.

Jody's weekly income consists of two parts:
1. A fixed amount of $200.00 per week.
2. An additional $100.00 for every oil change she completes.

Let's use "x" to represent the number of oil changes Jody completes in a week.

The equation can be written as:
Income = ($200.00 + $100.00 * x)

Now, let's move on to finding the slope of the line that represents the relationship between the number of oil changes and Jody's income.

The slope of a linear relationship represents the rate of change between two variables. In this case, the slope represents how Jody's income changes with each additional oil change.

Since Jody receives $100.00 for every oil change, the slope is equal to $100.00 (per oil change). The slope remains constant, which means that for every additional oil change, Jody's income will increase by $100.00.