Tennis racket marked up 50% to $36.75

Convert 50% to Decimal 0.5 Then add 1 because it is a mark up Then Divide 36.75 by 1.5 and you should get $24.50

Math genius is correct it’s $24.50

literally how do you do this i dont get math

24.50 πŸ”₯ ..πŸ”₯ ..πŸ”₯ ..πŸ”₯ ..

If the racket was marked UP, then it started at a lower price.

To understand how to calculate the original price of the tennis racket before the 50% markup, we need to reverse-engineer the calculation.

Let's assume the original price of the tennis racket is X dollars.

When the racket is marked up by 50%, it means the price is increased by 50% of X. Mathematically, it can be represented as:

New Price = Original Price + (50% of Original Price)

In this case, the new price is $36.75, so we can write the equation as:

$36.75 = X + 0.5X

Simplifying the equation, we get:

$36.75 = 1.5X

Now, we can solve for X by dividing both sides of the equation by 1.5:

X = $36.75 / 1.5

Using a calculator, the original price comes out to be $24.50.

Therefore, the original price of the tennis racket before the 50% markup was $24.50.


no you stupid

oh she stupid, oh you stupid, oh ye all stupid except me!

Convert the percent to a decimal.

50% -> .50

Multiply 36.75 by .50
36.75 * .50 = 18.375

Add 18.375 to 36.75
$55.125 is your answer