what is family resemblance??


In what respects? Looks? Personalities? What?

idk she just wants us to write

and she didn't explain


Family resemblance refers to the concept in philosophy proposed by Ludwig Wittgenstein, where he argued that certain groups or categories of objects, actions, or ideas do not have a single defining characteristic that applies to all of its members. Instead, these groups share a set of overlapping similarities, like a "family resemblance," where each member has some similarities with some other members, but there is no one feature that all members possess.

To understand family resemblance, you can follow these steps:

1. Start with the idea of a category or group that you are familiar with, such as "games."
2. Identify some examples of what you consider to be games, like chess, baseball, video games, or card games.
3. Note down the different features that these examples have, such as rules, competition, equipment, or skill.
4. Analyze the examples and look for commonalities between them. While no single feature might be present in all the examples, you'll notice that each example shares some characteristics with at least one other example.
5. Consider the relationships between the examples. For instance, chess and checkers may have more similarities than chess and baseball.
6. Recognize that the concept of "games" does not have a single defining characteristic that applies to all its members, but rather a network of overlapping similarities or family resemblances.

By understanding family resemblance, you can better appreciate that categories or concepts often exhibit a complex web of similarities rather than being defined by one essential feature.