design an algorithm that reads three numbers and prints that smallest number.using pseudo code and flow chart

Non answer

Using pseudocode, write an algorithm to read two numbers then display the smallest

Sure! Here's an algorithm to find the smallest number among three given numbers using pseudo code:

1. Start by taking three numbers as input: num1, num2, and num3.
2. Declare a variable "smallest" and assign the value of num1 to it.
3. Compare the value of num2 with "smallest" using an if condition. If num2 is smaller than "smallest", update the value of "smallest" to num2.
4. Compare the value of num3 with "smallest" using another if condition. If num3 is smaller than "smallest", update the value of "smallest" to num3.
5. After comparing all three numbers, "smallest" will hold the smallest value.
6. Print the value of "smallest" as the output.

Here's the pseudo code for the above algorithm:

Read num1
Read num2
Read num3

smallest = num1

if num2 < smallest
smallest = num2

if num3 < smallest
smallest = num3

Print smallest

Additionally, here's a flowchart representation of the algorithm:

Input num1, num2, num3

│ │
│ num1 │
│ > num2? │─────┐
│ │ │
└─────┬───────┘ ▼
│ ┌─────────────┐
│ │ │
│ │ num2 │
└───────│ > num3? │─────┐
│ │ │
└───────┬─────┘ ▼
│ ┌──────────────┐
│ │ │
│ │ num3 │
└───────│ < smallest │
│ │

Print smallest

I hope this helps!

read x,y,z

if (x<y & x<z) {print x}
else if (y<x & y<z) {print y}
else {print z}