What is the area of a regular hexagon with P = 100?

What is the area of a regular octagon with P = 100?
What is the area of a regular n-gon with P = 100? Make a table for n = 3 to 25. Make a graph. What happens to 1/n(tan 180/n) as n increases?

To find the area of a regular hexagon with a perimeter (P) of 100, we need to follow these steps:

1. Determine the length of each side of the hexagon (s). Since a regular hexagon has six equal sides, we divide the given perimeter by 6:
s = P / 6 = 100 / 6 = 16.67 (rounded to two decimal places).

2. Calculate the apothem (a), which is the distance from the center of the hexagon to the midpoint of any side. For a regular hexagon, the apothem is equal to the radius of the inscribed circle. Use the following formula:
a = s / (2 * tan(π/6)) = 16.67 / (2 * tan(π/6)) ≈ 9.565 (rounded to three decimal places).
Note: In this formula, π represents the mathematical constant pi.

3. Compute the area (A) using the formula:
A = (1/2) * P * a = (1/2) * 100 * 9.565 ≈ 478.25 square units (rounded to two decimal places).

So, the area of a regular hexagon with a perimeter of 100 is approximately 478.25 square units.

Similarly, we can find the area of a regular octagon with a perimeter of 100 by dividing the perimeter by 8:
s = P / 8 = 100 / 8 = 12.5

To find the apothem, we use the formula:
a = s / (2 * tan(π/8)) ≈ 8.838 (rounded to three decimal places)

And finally, the area formula:
A = (1/2) * P * a = (1/2) * 100 * 8.838 ≈ 441.92 square units (rounded to two decimal places).

To create a table for the areas of regular polygons with perimeters of 100 for n = 3 to 25, you can use the formulas mentioned above for each value of n and populate the table accordingly.

To make a graph showing the relationship between the number of sides (n) and the area of the regular polygon, you can plot n on the x-axis and A on the y-axis. Each point on the graph represents the area of the corresponding regular polygon.

As for what happens to the expression 1/n(tan(180/n)) as n increases, let's break it down:

1. As n increases, the number of sides of the regular polygon increases. This means that the shape becomes closer to a circle, as a circle has an infinite number of sides.

2. The expression 1/n(tan(180/n)) represents half the product of the side length and apothem of the regular polygon.

3. As n approaches infinity (i.e., the shape becomes a circle), the expression simplifies to 1/π, where π is the mathematical constant pi.

In summary, as the number of sides increases, the expression 1/n(tan(180/n)) approaches a value of 1/π, which represents half the product of the side length and apothem of a circle.