the hospital paper filing system contained 20,890 records. A total of 456 were identified as misfiled. What is the filing accuracy rate for the system?

What is the percentage of misfiled records?

(20,890 - 456)/20,890 = accuracy rate

456/20,890 * 100 = % misfiled


To find the filing accuracy rate for the system, we need to calculate the percentage of correctly filed records.

Step 1: Calculate the number of correctly filed records.
Correctly filed records = Total records - Misfiled records
Correctly filed records = 20,890 - 456
Correctly filed records = 20,434

Step 2: Calculate the filing accuracy rate.
Filing accuracy rate = (Correctly filed records / Total records) * 100
Filing accuracy rate = (20,434 / 20,890) * 100
Filing accuracy rate = 97.82%

Therefore, the filing accuracy rate for the hospital paper filing system is 97.82%.

To find the percentage of misfiled records, we can use the following formula:

Percentage of misfiled records = (Misfiled records / Total records) * 100
Percentage of misfiled records = (456 / 20,890) * 100
Percentage of misfiled records ≈ 2.18%

Therefore, the percentage of misfiled records in the hospital paper filing system is approximately 2.18%.

To find the filing accuracy rate for the hospital paper filing system, we need to calculate the percentage of correctly filed records.

Step 1: Subtract the number of misfiled records from the total number of records.
Total correctly filed records = Total number of records - Number of misfiled records
Total correctly filed records = 20,890 - 456
Total correctly filed records = 20,434

Step 2: Divide the total correctly filed records by the total number of records.
Filing accuracy rate = (Total correctly filed records / Total number of records) * 100
Filing accuracy rate = (20,434 / 20,890) * 100
Filing accuracy rate = 0.9797 * 100
Filing accuracy rate = 97.97 %

Therefore, the filing accuracy rate for the hospital paper filing system is 97.97%.

Now, to find the percentage of misfiled records:
Percentage of misfiled records = (Number of misfiled records / Total number of records) * 100
Percentage of misfiled records = (456 / 20,890) * 100
Percentage of misfiled records = 0.0218 * 100
Percentage of misfiled records = 2.18%

Therefore, the percentage of misfiled records is 2.18%.