According to your study unit, a catering resource that offers global networking for caterers, mentors, a

caterer's telephone hotline, and many marketing opportunities is the

A. National Restaurant Association.
B. Art Culinaire.
C. International Caterers' Association.
D. National Caterers' Association

My answer was D, but that was incorrect. Can someone help me please?

Since the question asks about "global networking," we can eliminate A and D.

Google or check your text for information about the other two.

Thank you, Ms. Sue!

You're welcome.

To determine the correct answer, let's break down the options and analyze each one.

A. National Restaurant Association: The National Restaurant Association is an organization that represents the restaurant industry as a whole, focusing on advocacy and education. While they may offer resources and networking opportunities, they are not specifically caterer-oriented.

B. Art Culinaire: Art Culinaire is a culinary magazine that showcases recipes and culinary techniques but does not provide the resources mentioned in the question.

C. International Caterers' Association: The International Caterers' Association (ICA) is an organization that specifically focuses on the catering industry. They offer global networking for caterers, mentorship programs, a caterer's telephone hotline, and various marketing opportunities. Therefore, C is the most appropriate answer based on the given information.

D. National Caterers' Association: Although the National Caterers' Association might sound like a potential answer, there is little information available about such an organization. It is possible that it may exist, but since it is not a well-known or widely recognized association, it is less likely to be the correct answer.

Based on this analysis, the correct answer to the question is C. International Caterers' Association.