How did 18th- and 19th-Century European imperialism help to cause nationalism in Asian and African countries?

I don't know. I don't even know why im on this website. Oh yeah, I NEEDED THE ANSWER!!!!!!

it inadvertently united people there to oppose foreign domination.

To understand how 18th- and 19th-Century European imperialism contributed to the rise of nationalism in Asian and African countries, we need to delve into the historical context and analyze the underlying factors. Here's a step-by-step explanation:

1. Define European Imperialism: European powers, primarily Great Britain, France, Germany, Belgium, and Portugal, engaged in an era of colonization and domination of territories across Africa and Asia during the 18th and 19th centuries. They sought to acquire resources, expand markets, and exert control over these regions.

2. Evaluate Imperialist Policies: European imperialism involved the imposition of political, economic, and social control over the colonized territories. These policies often exploited native populations through forced labor, racial discrimination, and the extraction of resources for European benefit.

3. Economic Exploitation and Displacement: European powers introduced economic systems that prioritized their own interests. This led to the displacement of local industries, forcing many communities into poverty as they became dependent on European-controlled markets for their livelihoods.

4. Cultural and Social Impact: European imperialism aimed to introduce European culture and values, often undermining indigenous traditions and institutions. European languages, education systems, and political structures were imposed, eroding local identity and further alienating the native populations.

5. Intellectual Responses and Awareness: As a response to the oppression and exploitation faced under European rule, Asian and African intellectuals began questioning and challenging European domination. They sought to reestablish a sense of cultural pride, self-determination, and independence.

6. Nationalist Movements: The exposure to European ideas and institutions during the period of colonization played a significant role in the rise of nationalist movements. Through education and interactions with European colonizers, Asian and African elites became aware of the concepts of democracy, equality, and self-governance.

7. Inspiration from Successful European Revolutions: African and Asian intellectuals witnessed the successful anti-imperialist movements taking place in Europe, such as the French and American Revolutions. They drew inspiration from these revolutions, using them as examples of how they could challenge European imperialism and achieve independence.

8. Formation of Nationalist Organizations: Intellectuals and activists in various Asian and African countries began organizing themselves into nationalist movements, advocating for their people's rights, liberation from colonial rule, and the establishment of independent and sovereign nations.

In summary, 18th- and 19th-Century European imperialism in Asia and Africa created conditions of economic exploitation, cultural suppression, and political subjugation. These circumstances led to both intellectual awakening and aspirations for self-determination among local elites, eventually culminating in the rise of nationalist movements that sought to challenge European dominance and secure independence for their respective countries.

Freedom and independence are valuable to everyone. People who were colonized didn't have them.