If 18g of a radioactive substance are present initially and 5 yr later only 9g remains, how much of the substance will be present after 11yr?

Is the decay exponential, is it linear ?

It must be stated


not linear in real life, but ....

so you have two points (0,18) and (5,9)

slope = (9-18)/(5-0) = -9/5

so y-18 = (-9/5)(x - 0)
y = (-9/5)x + 18

so when x = 11
y = (-9/5)(11) + 18 = -1.8

Now do you see how silly it is to label this linear ?
(after 10 years there would be nothing left)

So it has to be exponential, (and all the physics tutors now have stopped cringing) .

m = a e^(kt) , where m is the mass, a is the initial mass and t is the time in years

when t = 0 ---> 18 = a e^0 , a = 18
when t = 5 ---> 9 = 18 e^5k
.5... = e^ 5k
ln .5... = 5k lne
k = ln .5.../5

so when t = 11
m = 18 e^(11 ln .5../5) = appr 3.9 g

Thanks Reiny

To determine how much of the radioactive substance will be present after 11 years, we need to determine the decay rate of the substance.

The decay rate of a radioactive substance is commonly measured by its half-life. A half-life is the amount of time it takes for half of the initial quantity of the substance to decay.

In this case, we know that after 5 years, only 9g of the substance remains. This means that half of the substance has decayed in those 5 years.

Using this information, we can calculate the half-life of the substance. If half of the initial quantity decays in 5 years, we can assume that the half-life is also 5 years.

Now, let's determine how many half-lives have passed between the initial amount of the substance and the time in question (11 years). To do this, we divide the total time (11 years) by the half-life (5 years):

11 years / 5 years = 2.2 half-lives

Since 2.2 half-lives have passed, we can calculate how much of the substance remains by multiplying the initial quantity (18g) by (1/2)^2.2:

Remaining quantity = Initial quantity * (1/2)^(number of half-lives)
Remaining quantity = 18g * (1/2)^2.2

Using a calculator, we can find that (1/2)^2.2 is approximately 0.334.

Therefore, the amount of the substance that will be present after 11 years is:

Remaining quantity = 18g * 0.334
Remaining quantity ≈ 6.01g

So, approximately 6.01 grams of the substance will be present after 11 years.