I need step by step how to get the answer, I have been trying for hours, 4+m divided by 3 = 5/6 i have the answer just don't know the steps to get to the answer. m= -3/2 or 1 1/2

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(4+m)/3 = 5/6

Multiply both sides by 6:
2(4+m) = 5
Multiply both terms inside the parenthesis by 2:
8 + 2m = 5
Subtract 8 from both sides:
8-8 + 2m = 5-8
0 + 2m = -3
2m = -3
Divide both sides by 2:
m = -3/2 = -1 1/2.

To find the value of m in the equation (4+m)/3 = 5/6, we can follow these step-by-step instructions:

Step 1: Start by multiplying both sides of the equation by 3 to eliminate the fraction on the left side:
3 * [(4+m)/3] = 3 * (5/6)

Simplifying the left side:
(4+m) = (5/6) * 3
(4+m) = 5/2

Step 2: Subtract 4 from both sides of the equation to isolate the m term:
(4+m) - 4 = (5/2) - 4

Simplifying both sides:
m = (5/2) - 4

Step 3: Convert 4 to its equivalent fraction with a denominator of 2:
m = (5/2) - (8/2)

Step 4: Subtract the fractions:
m = -3/2

Therefore, one possible solution for m in the equation (4+m)/3 = 5/6 is m = -3/2.

However, there is another solution as well.

Step 1 (alternate): Repeat Step 1 from before:
(4+m) = 5/2

Step 2 (alternate): Subtract 4 from both sides:
(4+m) - 4 = (5/2) - 4

Simplifying both sides:
m = -3/2 + (8/2)

Step 3 (alternate): Add the fractions:
m = 5/2

Therefore, another possible solution for m in the equation (4+m)/3 = 5/6 is m = 5/2.

In summary, the two possible solutions for m are: m = -3/2 and m = 5/2.