Jim is 7ft 9in tall. Jane is 22.3in tall. How many times taller than Jane is Jim?

(7*12 + 9)/22.3 = ?

To find out how many times taller Jim is compared to Jane, we need to calculate the height ratio.

First, we need to convert both heights to the same units. Let's convert them both to inches.

Jim's height is 7 feet 9 inches, which is equal to (7 * 12) + 9 = 84 inches.
Jane's height is already given as 22.3 inches.

Now, we can calculate the ratio:
Ratio = Jim's height / Jane's height

Ratio = 84 inches / 22.3 inches

Ratio = 3.77

Therefore, Jim is approximately 3.77 times taller than Jane.

To determine how many times taller Jim is than Jane, we need to divide Jim's height by Jane's height. Here's how you can do it:

1. Convert Jim's height to inches: Since Jim's height is given in feet and inches, we need to convert it all to inches. Since there are 12 inches in a foot, Jim's height in inches would be (7 ft * 12 inches/ft) + 9 inches = 84 inches + 9 inches = 93 inches.

2. Divide Jim's height by Jane's height: Divide Jim's height (93 inches) by Jane's height (22.3 inches):

93 inches / 22.3 inches = 4.169

Therefore, Jim is approximately 4.169 times taller than Jane.