Estimate $6.56 + $13.02 using front-end estimation.

about $19.60
about $18.60
about $20.10 ***
about $17.10

The answer is about $19.60

Hope this helps :-)

6+13 = 19

and it is about .60 over that

To estimate $6.56 + $13.02 using front-end estimation, you can round each number to their nearest tens place and then perform the addition. Here's how you can do it:

1. Round $6.56 to the nearest tens place: Since the digit in the ones place is less than 5, the tens place remains the same. So, $6.56 rounds to $10.00.

2. Round $13.02 to the nearest tens place: The digit in the ones place is 2, which is less than 5. So, the tens place remains the same. Therefore, $13.02 rounds to $10.00.

3. Add the rounded numbers: $10.00 + $10.00 = $20.00

So, by using front-end estimation, the sum of $6.56 + $13.02 is approximately $20.00. Therefore, the closest option is "about $20.10".