Provide the name(s) for the branched constitutional isomer(s) with the molecular formula C7H16 that have three methyl groups.

To identify the branched constitutional isomers with three methyl groups and the molecular formula C7H16, we can use a systematic approach.

Step 1: Determine the carbon skeleton.
The molecular formula C7H16 implies that the carbon skeleton contains seven carbon atoms. There are two ways to arrange these carbon atoms: in a straight chain or with branches.

Step 2: Add methyl groups.
Since we are looking for isomers with three methyl groups, we need to add three methyl (CH3) groups to the carbon skeleton.

Step 3: Consider the possible positions for the methyl groups.
There are several possible positions where the three methyl groups can be attached to the carbon skeleton. To determine all the branched isomers, we need to consider three different ways of positioning the methyl groups:

1. The three methyl groups are attached to three separate carbon atoms.
2. The three methyl groups are attached to two carbon atoms, with one carbon atom having two methyl groups attached (a branch).
3. The three methyl groups are attached to a single carbon atom (a tertiary carbon).

Step 4: Enumerate the branched isomers.
Using the three possibilities mentioned above, we can now enumerate the isomers:

1. Isomer with three separate methyl groups:
- Place the three methyl groups on three separate carbon atoms in the carbon skeleton.

2. Isomers with two methyl groups attached to one carbon (a branch):
- Place two methyl groups on one carbon atom in the carbon skeleton, and the third methyl group on a different carbon atom.
- Repeat this process, ensuring that the two methyl groups are attached to different carbon atoms each time.

3. Isomer with three methyl groups attached to a single carbon atom (a tertiary carbon):
- Place all three methyl groups on the same carbon atom in the carbon skeleton.

By systematically considering the possible positions for the methyl groups, we have identified all the branched constitutional isomers with three methyl groups and the molecular formula C7H16.