What characteristic best describes the low entropy associated with solids?

A. The atoms in a solid are mostly metals.
B. The atoms are held together with strong bonds.
C. The atoms are arranged in a rigid structure.
D. The solid has a high specific heat capacity.

I think c.

The answer's C

the answer c ong

it's C

To determine the best characteristic that describes the low entropy associated with solids, let's break down the options provided:

A. The statement "The atoms in a solid are mostly metals" does not directly relate to the low entropy associated with solids. The type of atoms in a solid does not inherently determine its entropy.

B. This option states "The atoms are held together with strong bonds." Strong bonds do contribute to the low entropy of solids. However, it only addresses one aspect of solid's low entropy, not the entire characteristic.

C. The statement "The atoms are arranged in a rigid structure" is the correct characteristic that best describes the low entropy associated with solids. Solids have a well-defined, regular arrangement of atoms or molecules, which contributes to their low entropy. This ordered structure limits the number of microstates available to the system, resulting in lower entropy.

D. The specific heat capacity of a solid (option D) is the amount of heat energy required to raise the temperature of a unit mass of the substance by a specific amount. Although it is a property of solids, it does not directly relate to the low entropy associated with solids.

Therefore, the correct answer is option C: "The atoms are arranged in a rigid structure."