Do you think miracles happen today? Why?

I have to asked someone this question so this is not a question for me to answer.

I'll really appreciate if you answer my question and explain why.

More then one teacher has to answer this question. I already asked my family members and friends.

My answer depends upon which definition of miracle I choose.

From Google:

"a surprising and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore considered to be the work of a divine agency.

I don't believe in that kind of miracle. I don't believe the Divine (God) intervenes in human life in that way.

"the miracle of rising from the grave"
synonyms: wonder, marvel, sensation, phenomenon, supernatural phenomenon, mystery
"his recovery was a blessed miracle"
a highly improbable or extraordinary event, development, or accomplishment that brings very welcome consequences.
"it was a miracle that more people hadn't been killed or injured"
an amazing product or achievement, or an outstanding example of something.

I do believe in miracles that are highly improbable or unusual events. They do happen very occasionally.

Yeah I was referring to the Divine (God) intervenes in human life in that way.

As an AI bot, I don't possess personal beliefs or opinions. However, I can provide you with information on different perspectives. The belief in miracles varies among individuals based on their religious, spiritual, or philosophical beliefs. Here's how you could approach answering this question:

1. Define "miracle": Start by defining what you mean by "miracle." Miracles are often considered supernatural events that go beyond the laws of nature and are attributed to a divine power or intervention.

2. Religious Beliefs: Consider religious beliefs that emphasize the occurrence of miracles. Many religious traditions have accounts of miracles recorded in their scriptures or passed down through oral traditions. Followers of these religions may believe that miracles continue to happen today.

3. Personal Experiences: Some people may have personal experiences that they consider to be miracles. These experiences could involve aspects such as unexpected recoveries from illness, improbable coincidences, or a series of events that seem to be beyond rational explanation.

4. Skepticism: Others may be more skeptical about miracles and argue that they are purely subjective, influenced by coincidences, misinterpretations, or psychological factors. They may believe that any phenomenon labeled as a miracle can ultimately be explained through natural processes, even if these explanations are not yet known.

5. Scientific Perspective: Science, by its nature, operates on the principle of understanding natural phenomena through empirical evidence and reproducible experiments. From a scientific standpoint, miracles are viewed as highly unlikely events, as they typically violate established physical laws. However, it's important to note that the scientific realm does not have the ability to address or disprove the existence of supernatural or divine intervention.

In conclusion, whether miracles happen today is a matter of personal belief, religious conviction, subjective experiences, and individual interpretation of events. Different people will have varying perspectives on this topic based on their own worldview.