I need for someone to check my questions letters that I match up to the answers that I chose

Here are the questions

1. Concrete Operational Stage
(I chose d)

(I chose i)

3.Formal Operational Stage
(I chose h)

4.Influences on the Development of Self Concept
(I chose a)

5.Gender Schema
(I chose g)

6.Social Learning Theories on Gender Identity
(I chose b)

7.Social Competence
(I chose c)

8.Girls' Play Behavior
(I chose j)

9.Multidimensional Theory on Sex
Role Development
(I chose e)

10.Boys' Play Behavior
(I chose f)

Here are the choice Answer to match

a. o Social comparison people observe the performance of others and use it as a basis for evaluating their own abilities and accomplishments.
o Self-enhancing bias most people are motivated to maintain moderately positive beliefs about themselves.

b. Adults influence children's sex-typed behaviors both by modeling and by differential treatment of boys and girls.

c. Criterion for peer group acceptance.

d. Answers conservation questions correctly; understands the relationship between length and width.

e. Considers biology, cognitive processes, and parent and peer socialization pressures.

f. Competitive and domineering.

g. A network of expectations and beliefs about male and female characteristics.

h. Logical thought about abstract contents.

i. Failure to recognize one's own subjectivity. Failure to see things realistically because of being trapped in personal perspective.

j. Cooperative and collaborative.

Your answers look right to me.

Thank you!

You're welcome.

To check your answers and match the questions to the correct answers, you can compare the descriptions of each concept with the choices provided. Here's how you can match them up:

1. Concrete Operational Stage - Answers conservation questions correctly; understands the relationship between length and width. (Matched with d)

2. Egocentrism - Failure to recognize one's own subjectivity. Failure to see things realistically because of being trapped in personal perspective. (Matched with i)

3. Formal Operational Stage - Logical thought about abstract contents. (Matched with h)

4. Influences on the Development of Self Concept - Social comparison people observe the performance of others and use it as a basis for evaluating their own abilities and accomplishments. Self-enhancing bias most people are motivated to maintain moderately positive beliefs about themselves. (Matched with a)

5. Gender Schema - A network of expectations and beliefs about male and female characteristics. (Matched with g)

6. Social Learning Theories on Gender Identity - Adults influence children's sex-typed behaviors both by modeling and by differential treatment of boys and girls. (Matched with b)

7. Social Competence - Criterion for peer group acceptance. (Matched with c)

8. Girls' Play Behavior - Cooperative and collaborative. (Matched with j)

9. Multidimensional Theory on Sex Role Development - Considers biology, cognitive processes, and parent and peer socialization pressures. (Matched with e)

10. Boys' Play Behavior - Competitive and domineering. (Matched with f)

By comparing the descriptions of each concept with the choices provided, you can determine the correct match for each question.