what is the sum of 13th and 56th term

Define the set.

I need an answer please

To find the sum of the 13th and 56th term, you will first need to know the pattern or sequence from which these terms are derived. If you have the formula for the nth term of the sequence, you can simply substitute the values of n = 13 and n = 56 into the formula and add the results.

If you don't have the formula, you will need to identify the pattern or sequence from the given information, such as a list of previous terms or any additional clues provided.

Once you have identified the formula or sequence, follow these steps:

1. Use the formula or pattern to find the 13th term.
2. Use the same formula or pattern to find the 56th term.
3. Add the values of the 13th and 56th terms together to get the sum.

If you can provide the formula or any further details about the sequence, I can assist you in calculating the sum.

What is the sum of 13th and 15th term