Solve the following proportion.

A. r=9
B. r=2.14
C. r=11.66
D. r=37.8
Is the answer B?
Thank you

1.) 5: 1

2.) R= 2.14
3.) 37.5
4.) 31. 27 miles/hour
5.) 6.95
7.) 30 in.
8.) 15 ft
9.) 112 ft
10.) 336 m^2
11.) Scale factor 1/4 ; reduction
12.) 1/3
13.) 24 ft × 21 ft
14.)1.25 × 1.75
15.) 157.5 miles
16.) 9 m
17-19 you have to do yourself because idk the answers

N/A is wrong!!

All the questions are the same but thy switch up the answers , do tip if you post the answers post what the answer says beside it

I don’t have all the answers cause I haven’t finished yet but these are correct
1: 3:1
2: r=2.14

I’ll come back with the right answers later

Anon isn't wrong BUT THE ANSWERS DID CHANGE 2020 dont use them

Guys it’s not that these ppl are wrong it’s that everyone has different answers for diffrent test

Yes. It's B.

the questions are different for everyone. so you can’t get all the answers at once. you either do your own work or look up all the different questions

Hello, i see you guys are wondering what the 2020 correct answers are for the Applications of Proportions Unit Test is. This is for connexus, and i trust you these are correct, since i just did it.

1. C
2. A
3. B
4. D
5. B
6. B
7. C
8. B
9. C
10. D
11. C
12. D
13. B
14. A
15. B
16. C
17-19 is essay, and you can just look them up on other sites!

Your welcome, if i could provide picture proof that these are correct, i would.

I'm taking the lesson 8 unit 5: application of proportions unit test. I'll tell yall the answers when I'm done
