
Please help me! I need to know is these is the correct answer for these questions. Thanks for your help!

Some countries try to hold the value of their currency within some range against an important reference currency. This is referred to as what?

a. A dirty-float system.

b. A contaminated float system.

c. A pegged-float system.

d. A fixed-variable system.

I choose C.

What are the two basic strategies for improving a firm's

a. Differentiation strategy and low-cost strategy.

b. Premier strategy and generic strategy.

c. High-cost strategy and low-cost strategy.

d. Comparison strategy and low-cost strategy.

I choose C.

Which function of a firm can help create value through brand positioning and advertising?

a. Marketing and sales.

b. Production.

c. Research and development.

d. Human resources.

I choose A.

For the first question, you chose option C (a pegged-float system). To determine if this is the correct answer, let's break down the question and the options. The question is asking about countries that try to maintain the value of their currency within a certain range against a reference currency. Let's analyze the options:

a. A dirty-float system - This refers to a system where the exchange rate is determined by market forces with minimal government intervention.

b. A contaminated float system - This term is not commonly used in the context of currency exchange systems.

c. A pegged-float system - This refers to a system where the exchange rate is loosely tied to a reference currency, allowing some fluctuation within a specified range.

d. A fixed-variable system - This term is not commonly used in the context of currency exchange systems.

By analyzing the options, it is clear that option C, a pegged-float system, is the closest match to the description provided in the question. Therefore, your choice of option C is correct.

For the second question, you chose option C (High-cost strategy and low-cost strategy). Let's break down the question and the options:

a. Differentiation strategy and low-cost strategy - A differentiation strategy focuses on offering unique and superior products or services, while a low-cost strategy focuses on reducing costs to offer competitive prices.

b. Premier strategy and generic strategy - "Premier strategy" and "generic strategy" are not commonly used terms in the context of improving a firm's profitability.

c. High-cost strategy and low-cost strategy - This option presents two contrasting strategies, but it is not accurate or commonly used in the context of improving profitability.

d. Comparison strategy and low-cost strategy - "Comparison strategy" is not commonly used in the context of improving profitability.

Based on the analysis, none of the options provided accurately represent the two basic strategies for improving a firm's profitability. Therefore, your choice of option C is incorrect.

For the third question, you chose option A (Marketing and sales). Let's analyze the question and the options:

a. Marketing and sales - Marketing and sales functions play a crucial role in brand positioning and advertising, as they are responsible for promoting and creating awareness about a firm's products or services.

b. Production - While production is essential for creating the actual product or service, it is not directly involved in brand positioning and advertising.

c. Research and development - Research and development focuses on innovation and product development, which indirectly contribute to brand positioning but are not the primary function for creating value through brand positioning and advertising.

d. Human resources - Human resources is responsible for managing the workforce and employee relationships, and it is not directly involved in brand positioning and advertising.

Based on the analysis, your choice of option A, marketing and sales, is correct as it aligns with the question's objective of creating value through brand positioning and advertising.

In conclusion, out of the three questions, your answers are as follows:
1. Correct - Option C (a pegged-float system)
2. Incorrect - None of the options provided accurately represent the two basic strategies for improving a firm's profitability.
3. Correct - Option A (Marketing and sales)