How do you identify the speaker’s purpose? listening to the third line of each speaker’s speech evaluating each speaker’s questions and responses asking a teacher or peer to identify the purpose for you determining the speaker’s syntax and diction

I believe it's B but I'm not sure

It's B."by evaluating each speaker's questions and responses

What if the speaker doesn't ask questions or give responses?

It could be B or D. I really don't like any of those answers.

You are correct. The most effective way to identify the speaker's purpose is by evaluating each speaker's questions and responses, as mentioned in option B. By analyzing the content of their questions and responses, it becomes easier to understand their intentions and what they are trying to communicate.

To identify the speaker's purpose, you can follow the steps below:

1. Read or listen to the speaker's speech carefully.
2. Pay attention to any questions asked by the speaker. The types of questions asked can give you insights into their purpose. For example, if the speaker asks questions that encourage critical thinking or provoke discussion, their purpose may be to engage the audience or stimulate debate.
3. Analyze the speaker's responses. The way they answer questions or respond to comments can provide clues about their purpose. Are they trying to persuade, inform, entertain, or provoke emotions?
4. Consider the overall message and tone of the speech. This can help you determine the speaker's intention and purpose. Are they presenting facts, sharing personal experiences, advocating for a cause, or trying to entertain the audience?
5. Look for patterns in the speaker's communication style. Consider their syntax (sentence structure) and diction (word choice). These can provide further insights into their purpose. For example, if the speaker uses emotional language or appeals to people's values, they may be trying to persuade or evoke certain emotions.

Based on this process, option B - evaluating each speaker's questions and responses, seems to be the most appropriate answer. By analyzing the questions asked and the responses given, you can gain a better understanding of the speaker's purpose.