3. Which of the following sentences does not properly use a subordinating conjunction?

A. As the man said, what comes around goes around.
B. He acts like he's going to cry.
C. You stay put unless I call for you.
D. I will refuse his demands because they are outrageous.

B or A?



You use "like" if it's followed by a noun, pronoun, or phrase (anything but a clause!).

You use "as if" or "as though" or "as" if it's followed by a clause.

Thank you!

You're welcome!

Once we learn these things, we often become aware of all the bad grammar people around us use ... especially on TV!!

4. Which of the following sentences contains an italicized word that's used as a predicate adjective?

A. Jerry looks at the map.
B. Jerry looks ill today.
C. Jerry looks disdainfully at the pile of laundry.
D. Jerry looks into the microscope.


What words are italicized?

5. Choose the sentence in which the verb has a direct object.

A. She is insecure.
B. George was furious.
C. They won the game.
D. I walked away.


5 C is correct.

In number 4 these words are italicized .....


4 B is correct, yes.