Your body can get antibodies from

A. immunizations
B. being exposed to the virus or antibody and having your immune system make it
C. none of the above
D. all of the above

I want to say the answer is D but the none of the above is throwing me off? Am I wrong?

DrBob already answered this for you.

It's d 100%

No, you are not wrong. The correct answer is indeed D - all of the above. Let me explain why:

Antibodies are proteins produced by the immune system in response to foreign substances, such as viruses or bacteria. These antibodies help the immune system recognize and destroy these harmful invaders.

A) Immunizations (also known as vaccines) are one way to acquire antibodies. Vaccines contain weakened or inactivated parts of the virus or pathogen, or sometimes just specific proteins from the pathogen. When you receive a vaccine, your immune system recognizes these harmless components as foreign and mounts an immune response. This response includes the production of antibodies, which then provide protection against future encounters with the actual pathogen.

B) Being exposed to a virus or antibody can also lead to the production of antibodies. When you get infected with a virus, your immune system responds by producing antibodies specific to that particular virus. These antibodies help to neutralize the virus and clear the infection. Additionally, if you have previously been exposed to a certain virus or pathogen, your immune system may retain memory cells that can quickly produce antibodies upon re-exposure. This is how your immune system "remembers" previous encounters and provides a faster and stronger response the next time.

C) "None of the above" is an incorrect choice in this case because both immunizations and exposure to a virus can lead to the generation of antibodies.

So, in summary, your body can acquire antibodies through immunizations (option A) or by being exposed to the virus or antibody and having your immune system make it (option B). Therefore, the correct answer is D - all of the above.