1 example for each

A) Tentacled Mollusk
B) 2-shelled Mollusk
C) 1-shelled Mollusk
D)Clever and smart Mollusk
E) Pearl producing Mollusk
F) Devoted mother Mollusk
G) Land Mollusk
H) Dangerous Mollusk
I) Sneaky Mollusk
J) Herbivore Mollusk
K) 38-90!! tentacled Mollusk
L) Ink producing Mollusk
M) Carnivore Mollusk
N) Delicious Mollusk
O) My favorite Mollusk

A) Octopus

B) Clam
C) Snail
D) Cuttlefish
E) Oyster
F) Limpet
G) Slug
H) Conch
I) Nautilus
J) Limpet
K) Giant Pacific Octopus
L) Squid
M) Cone Snail
N) Abalone
O) Octopus

A) Tentacled Mollusk: The octopus is a classic example of a tentacled mollusk. With its numerous flexible arms, it can reach for things better than I can reach for compliments.

B) 2-shelled Mollusk: The clam is a great example of a 2-shelled mollusk. You could say they're good at keeping their "clam-bers" closed.

C) 1-shelled Mollusk: Snails are a perfect example of a 1-shelled mollusk. They carry their homes on their backs like tiny mobile mansions.

D) Clever and smart Mollusk: The cuttlefish is a remarkably intelligent mollusk. It's so smart, it probably has a PhD in disguise... or at least a squid's degree.

E) Pearl producing Mollusk: The oyster is famous for producing pearls. It's like it took a grain of sand and turned it into a fashion statement – talk about transforming something rough into something really "shell-elegant."

F) Devoted mother Mollusk: The common whelk is a mollusk that takes care of its eggs and young ones, showing exemplary maternal instincts. It might even be more dedicated than a soccer mom at a weekend tournament.

G) Land Mollusk: The snail is a well-known land mollusk. It's proof that you don't have to be fast to make progress – you just have to keep on sliming.

H) Dangerous Mollusk: The cone snail is a highly venomous mollusk. It's like nature's way of saying, "If you mess with me, I'll show you what a real shellacking feels like!"

I) Sneaky Mollusk: The octopus steals the spotlight again as a sneaky mollusk. With its camouflage skills, it could probably give ninja turtles some serious competition.

J) Herbivore Mollusk: The abalone is an example of an herbivorous mollusk. It's like a salad lover of the sea, enjoying its daily "kelp-ings."

K) 38-90!! tentacled Mollusk: Well, I'm not sure if there's a specific mollusk that has exactly 38-90 tentacles. But if there were, it would need to be careful not to trip over itself or get tangled up in its own arms. It might need a tentacle-tickler for grooming sessions!

L) Ink producing Mollusk: The squid is known to produce ink as a defense mechanism. It's like a real-life ink-jet printer, ready to create abstract art at the drop of a tentacle.

M) Carnivore Mollusk: The predatory snail, also known as the cone snail, is a carnivorous mollusk. It's a reminder that not all snails are slow-moving herbivores – this one has a taste for meat!

N) Delicious Mollusk: The mussel is a delicious mollusk often found in seafood dishes. It's like a bite-sized delicacy from the ocean, ready to tantalize your taste buds.

O) My favorite Mollusk: Ah, my favorite mollusk. That's a tricky one because they're all so shell-fishly unique! But if I had to choose, I'd go with the charming and charismatic octopus. Its intelligence and adaptability make it one fantastic creature to clown around with!

A) Tentacled Mollusk - An example of a tentacled mollusk is the octopus.

B) 2-shelled Mollusk - An example of a 2-shelled mollusk is the clam.
C) 1-shelled Mollusk - An example of a 1-shelled mollusk is the snail.
D) Clever and smart Mollusk - An example of a clever and smart mollusk is the cuttlefish.
E) Pearl producing Mollusk - An example of a pearl producing mollusk is the oyster.
F) Devoted mother Mollusk - An example of a devoted mother mollusk is the octopus.
G) Land Mollusk - An example of a land mollusk is the snail.
H) Dangerous Mollusk - An example of a dangerous mollusk is the cone snail.
I) Sneaky Mollusk - An example of a sneaky mollusk is the mimic octopus.
J) Herbivore Mollusk - An example of a herbivore mollusk is the abalone.
K) 38-90!! tentacled Mollusk - There is no known mollusk with 38-90 tentacles.
L) Ink producing Mollusk - An example of an ink producing mollusk is the squid.
M) Carnivore Mollusk - An example of a carnivore mollusk is the predatory snail.
N) Delicious Mollusk - An example of a delicious mollusk is the mussel.
O) My favorite Mollusk - As an AI bot, I do not have personal preferences.

A) Tentacled Mollusk: One example of a tentacled mollusk is the octopus. Octopuses are known for their eight tentacles.

B) 2-shelled Mollusk: An example of a 2-shelled mollusk is a clam. Clams have two hinged shells that they can open and close.
C) 1-shelled Mollusk: An example of a 1-shelled mollusk is a snail. Snails have a single spiral shell on their back.
D) Clever and smart Mollusk: The octopus is also known for its intelligence. Octopuses have been observed solving puzzles and using tools.
E) Pearl producing Mollusk: One example of a mollusk that produces pearls is the oyster. Oysters create pearls as a response to irritants inside their shells.
F) Devoted mother Mollusk: The sea snail commonly known as the whelk is a devoted mother. Female whelks lay eggs and attach them to their shells, carrying them until they hatch.
G) Land Mollusk: A land mollusk example is the garden snail. Garden snails are common in gardens and can be found crawling on plants and walls.
H) Dangerous Mollusk: The cone snail is a dangerous mollusk. It has a venomous sting that can be harmful to humans.
I) Sneaky Mollusk: The cuttlefish is known for its ability to change color and patterns to camouflage itself. This makes it a sneaky mollusk.
J) Herbivore Mollusk: A herbivore mollusk example is the abalone. Abalones feed on algae and other plant material.
K) 38-90!! tentacled Mollusk: I don't know a specific mollusk with 38-90 tentacles. You might need to research further or consult a marine biologist for more information.
L) Ink producing Mollusk: One example of an ink-producing mollusk is the squid. Squids can release a cloud of ink as a defense mechanism.
M) Carnivore Mollusk: The common octopus is a carnivorous mollusk. It feeds on a variety of prey, including small fish and crustaceans.
N) Delicious Mollusk: An example of a delicious mollusk is the mussel. Mussels are often used in seafood dishes and are considered a delicacy in some cuisines.
O) My favorite Mollusk: Unfortunately, as an AI, I don't have personal preferences or the ability to experience favorites.