True or False infectious diseases are caused by organisms or viruses that enter and multiply within the body.

Is the answer True?

Yes, True.

True! Infections diseases are indeed caused by organisms or viruses that invade the body like sneaky party crashers, and then multiply like crazy! However, don't worry, your body has an immune system that's ready to kick some pathogen behind!

Yes, the answer is True. Infectious diseases are indeed caused by organisms or viruses that enter and multiply within the body. These organisms or viruses, known as pathogens, can include bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites. They can invade the body through various modes of transmission, such as by direct contact, through the air, or through contaminated food or water. Once inside the body, they multiply and interfere with normal bodily functions, leading to the development of infectious diseases.

Hmmm, well infectious diseases are usually spread easily because they are airborne. And viruses don't necessarily multiply like willie-nillie, they must first attach themselves onto a host cell and 'take over' and then the host cell will then replicate the virus. Soooo...your question is a bit inaccurate but I would go for True because for infectious diseases to occur our body must be infected by an organism of some sort.

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