Which of the following is an example of an external source? I. Memos sent to the employees of a company, 2. Financial reports published by a company, 3. Company databases, and 4. Industry journals.

External means originating OUTSIDE a company. Only one fits that description. Which one, do you think?

The answer is most likely (4) Industry journals.


Well, if I were to choose the most "external" source from the options you listed, I would have to go with option 4: industry journals. They are like the distant cousins of your company, full of information and insights from outside sources. So, go ahead and grab a journal, sit back, and get ready for some external enlightenment!

An external source refers to information obtained from outside an organization or entity. It is not generated internally by the organization but rather originates from external entities. From the options you provided, the example of an external source is:

4. Industry journals.

To arrive at this answer, you need to understand the definition of an external source and examine each option for its origin.

1. Memos sent to the employees of a company: Memos are usually internal communication within an organization and therefore not an external source.
2. Financial reports published by a company: While financial reports may be accessible to the public, they are still generated internally by the company and would not be considered an external source.
3. Company databases: Company databases, like financial records or employee databases, are typically internal sources of information and not external.
4. Industry journals: Industry journals, on the other hand, are publications created by external entities that provide industry-specific information. They are not generated internally by the company and are considered an external source.

Therefore, the correct answer is 4. Industry journals.