Weathering and erosion break down rocks and slowly create

a) oxygen for plants.
b) Earth's poles.
c) tectonic plates.
d) new landforms.***



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New landforms silly

The correct answer is d) new landforms.

Weathering and erosion are natural processes that work together to break down rocks and shape the Earth's surface. Weathering refers to the process of rocks being broken down and altered by various physical, chemical, and biological processes. This can happen through processes like freeze-thaw cycles, the expansion and contraction of rocks due to temperature changes, chemical reactions, and the actions of plants and animals.

Erosion, on the other hand, is the process of transporting the broken-down rock particles and sediment to new locations. This is usually done by natural agents like water, wind, ice, and gravity. These agents carry the sediment away, depositing it in new areas such as rivers, lakes, oceans, or at the base of mountains.

Over time, the continuous weathering and erosion of rocks can lead to the formation of new landforms. This includes features like valleys, canyons, cliffs, beaches, deltas, and more. These landforms are created by the erosion and transportation of sediment, as well as the deposition of that sediment in different locations.

So, weathering and erosion play a crucial role in breaking down rocks and creating new landforms on the Earth's surface.