Brittany is making trays of fudge. Her recipe Calls for 2/3 cup of walnuts for each batch of fudge. How many cups of walnuts does she need to make 27 batches of fudge

(2/3) * 27 = ?



Is the answer 18

18 what?

Is the answer 21 hours



Thats right


To find out how many cups of walnuts Brittany needs to make 27 batches of fudge, we need to multiply the amount of walnuts required for each batch by the number of batches.

The recipe calls for 2/3 cup of walnuts for each batch of fudge. So, we can set up the calculation as follows:

(2/3 cup/batch) * 27 batches

To multiply fractions, we multiply the numerators (top numbers) of the fractions and multiply the denominators (bottom numbers) of the fractions. Therefore, the calculation becomes:

(2/3) * 27 = (2 * 27) / 3 = 54/3 = 18

So, Brittany needs 18 cups of walnuts to make 27 batches of fudge.