Caleb is holding a metal block in his hand. What could he do to decrease the thermal energy of the block?

-Cool it (A)
-Drop it (B)
-Hit it (C)
-Melt it (D)

PS. I think it is Cool It, but I do not know for sure if it is correct or not. I do not think any of the other answer choices make sense! :( PLEASE HELP...

you are correct

And why is it A

You are correct, cooling the metal block would decrease its thermal energy. The correct answer is (A) Cool it. By transferring heat away from the block, either by placing it in a cooler environment or by using a cooling agent, Caleb can lower the temperature of the block, reducing its thermal energy.

To decrease the thermal energy of the metal block, Caleb should cool it. Cooling refers to the process of transferring heat away from an object, resulting in a decrease in its thermal energy. This can be achieved by using various methods like placing the metal block in contact with a cooler object or exposing it to a colder environment.

Option A "Cool it" seems like the most appropriate choice. Options B ("Drop it"), C ("Hit it"), and D ("Melt it") do not directly address the decrease in thermal energy. Dropping or hitting the metal block may cause mechanical changes, but it will have little effect on its thermal energy. Melting the block, on the other hand, would require adding energy to the block, increasing its thermal energy rather than decreasing it.

Therefore, based on the given options, option A ("Cool it") is the most suitable choice for Caleb to decrease the thermal energy of the metal block.