Two nonmetals from Group 16 are likely to form a(n)

A. Metalic bond.
B. Double bond
C. Ionic bond
D. Covalent bond
Is the answer C?
Thank you

Yes, a covalent bond.

Ionic bonds occur between nonmetals and metals. Covalent bonds occur between nonmetals and nonmetals.

two years to late but its a double bond

Is it triple or double

Nope, what bond is NO2?

Covalent bond?

The correct answer is D. Covalent bond.

To determine the type of bond formed between two nonmetals in Group 16, we need to consider their electronegativity values. Electronegativity is a measure of an atom's ability to attract electrons towards itself in a chemical bond. The electronegativity difference between two elements can indicate the type of bond they are likely to form.

In Group 16, the elements oxygen (O), sulfur (S), selenium (Se), and tellurium (Te) are nonmetals. Since they are nonmetals, we can rule out the formation of metallic or ionic bonds.

Next, we consider the electronegativity differences. In Group 16, the electronegativity values generally decrease as you move down the group. Oxygen is the most electronegative element in Group 16, while tellurium is the least electronegative.

A double bond involves the sharing of two pairs of electrons between two atoms, and it occurs when there is a moderate electronegativity difference between the two atoms involved. This option can be eliminated because it specifically refers to a double bond, and not all nonmetals in Group 16 will form double bonds.

On the other hand, a covalent bond forms when two nonmetals share electrons. Since the elements in Group 16 are all nonmetals, they are likely to form covalent bonds with each other. This is because they have similar electronegativity values, resulting in a small or negligible electronegativity difference.

Therefore, the correct answer is D. Covalent bond.