Write the following ratio in simplest form: 32 min: 36 min

A. 8:9
B. 8:36
C. 32:9
D. 128:144
Is the answer A?
Thank you

A or 8:9

C or 43:51
D or $0.29 per ounce
A or 15 packs for $3.95
A or 13
D or $1.70
B or 2/3 , 4/9
D or 97.5
D or x=7,y=18
C or 72m^2

this was hard to find pls leave a upvote
this is for connexus Math 8 A 10/10

i hope this helped


your answer is correct i took the test thx you

Yes, A is correct.

32 : 36
32 / 36 - Same thing when you think about it. Now make the fraction in simplest form. This is 8 / 9

8 : 9

So yes, A is correct.

I hope this helps! :)

brady is right dear

@Jiskha.LLC Thank you i made a 100% thank you so so so so much

Please see your post for your problem, I answered it. ~Math Help Asap


You're welcome, Callie. :)

brady can you help ,e