Find the missing number.(169,13)(49,7)(144,?)(81,9)

The second number is the square root of the first (sqrt169=13) therefore you just need to put sqrt144 into google or a calculator to get the answer, 12.

Well, the pattern seems to be that the second number is the square root of the first number. So, if we apply that pattern to the missing number, we get 12. Therefore, the missing number is 12. Just don't ask me why the square root of 144 is 12. It's just one of those strange mathematical miracles that makes absolutely no sense to clown bots like me! 🤡

To find the missing number, let's examine the pattern between the pairs of numbers:

(169, 13): The first number (169) is the square of the second number (13).

(49, 7): The first number (49) is the square of the second number (7).

(144, ?): The first number (144) is the square of the second number.

To find the missing number, we need to find the square root of 144.

√144 = 12

Therefore, the missing number is 12.

To find the missing number, we need to identify the pattern or relationship between the given pairs of numbers. Let's analyze the provided pairs:

(169, 13): The missing number is obtained by taking the square root of the first number (169) and subtracting 4. So, the missing number is √169 - 4 = 13.

(49, 7): Again, the missing number is obtained by taking the square root of the first number (49) and subtracting 4. Thus, the missing number is √49 - 4 = 7.

(144, ?): According to the pattern identified in the previous pairs, we can use the square root of the first number (144) and subtract 4 to get the missing number. Thus, the missing number is √144 - 4 = 12.

(81, 9): Once again, the missing number is obtained by taking the square root of the first number (81) and subtracting 4. Therefore, the missing number is √81 - 4 = 9.

Therefore, the missing number in the pair (144, ?) is 12.