Which sequence of processes must occur for an atom of carbon to go from car to a tree?

A.resperation, decomposition
B. Combustion, photosynthesis
C. Fossilization, decomposition
D. Fossilization, photosynthesis
Is the answer B?

Yes, the correct answer is B. Combustion, photosynthesis.

To understand why B is the correct answer, let's analyze the processes involved:

1. Combustion: When carbon-based (organic) materials, such as the components of a car, undergo combustion, they react with oxygen to produce carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O). This process releases energy in the form of heat.

2. Photosynthesis: In photosynthesis, plants, including trees, use sunlight, carbon dioxide (CO2), and water (H2O) to synthesize organic compounds like glucose (C6H12O6). This process takes place in their chloroplasts, using the green pigment called chlorophyll.

Therefore, when the carbon from a car undergoes combustion, it is released as carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere. Then, trees absorb this carbon dioxide through the process of photosynthesis, converting it back into organic compounds and releasing oxygen (O2) as a byproduct.

Hence, this sequence of processes (combustion followed by photosynthesis) allows an atom of carbon to go from a car to a tree.

No, the correct answer is D. Fossilization, photosynthesis.