You are creating a carbon cycle poster. In which way would you draw the arrows to show the movement of carbon through the process of resperation?

A.from the rock to the air
B.from the rock to the grass
C.from the air to the wolf
D. From the wolf to the air
Is the answer D?

Yes. D.

Thank you

You're welcome.

It is d

its D for sure!!!

No, the correct answer is A. The movement of carbon through the process of respiration starts from the air and ends up in the rock.

To understand this, let's go through the options and break down the carbon cycle:

A. From the rock to the air: This represents carbon released from rocks by weathering processes such as chemical reactions. However, this is not related to respiration.

B. From the rock to the grass: This represents carbon that is absorbed by plants (in this case, grass) through a process known as photosynthesis. While plants play a vital role in the carbon cycle, this option does not specifically show the movement of carbon through respiration.

C. From the air to the wolf: This represents carbon absorbed by an animal (in this case, a wolf) through respiration. While animals do respire, they do not directly obtain carbon from the air. Animals obtain carbon by consuming plants or other animals.

D. From the wolf to the air: This represents the release of carbon dioxide into the air through the respiration of the wolf. While animals do exhale carbon dioxide, this option does not show the initial movement of carbon in respiration.

Therefore, the correct option to show the movement of carbon through respiration is A. from the rock to the air.