APRIL 25. Even the morning air is sultry today. I would have fished for my breakfast last night before sunset, but I knew that it would surely spoil before morning. Drinking my water warm has taken some getting used to. It’s funny how we take certain things like ice for granted. If I become desperate I can always resort to eating the freeze dried rations, but that defeats my purpose for being here to begin with. Besides, they are about as edible as the tough, dry bark in a long dead tree. I think I have almost learned to track the time by the rays of the sun. Time, like water, seems to sit in a pot unable to boil if your eye isn’t constantly on it. Time seems to be the only thing that man hasn’t learned to control; but I am sure some genius like Fred Johnson is currently working on it, while sitting in a cubicle checking the four thousand emails on his Palm Pilot. As for me, I think I will lean back on this dune and nap a while before I head out to catch some lunch.

do you know his purpose for being wanting to be stranded is it because he didn't wanna take life for granted ?

i ment to say wanting to be stranded

It's hard to tell from this brief excerpt. However, it seems that he has willingly stranded himself. He's testing himself to enjoy nature without the comforts of modern city living.

What is aesthetics?

exploring fundamental questions such as "What is art?" and "What is beauty?"

determining how an artwork is organized, using the principles of design as a guide

describing a work of art based on its period, civilization, and style

i think A

why dont u figure it out for ur self

Based on the excerpt provided, it is not explicitly mentioned why the person wanted to be stranded or what their purpose for being there is. However, there are a few clues that suggest possible reasons.

The person mentions that they would have fished for their breakfast before sunset but chose not to because it would spoil before morning. This could imply that they wanted to experience the challenge of catching their own food instead of relying on modern conveniences.

They also mention how we often take things like ice for granted and express a preference for drinking warm water. This could suggest a desire to disconnect from modern comforts and live a simpler, more self-sufficient lifestyle.

Furthermore, they mention how eating freeze-dried rations defeats their purpose for being there, indicating that they have a specific goal or intention that involves not relying on pre-packaged food.

Overall, while the exact purpose for wanting to be stranded is not explicitly stated, it appears that the person wants to challenge themselves, live a more self-sufficient lifestyle, and not take things for granted.