At the Out - Rage Benefit Concert, 723 tickets were sold for $3/ student and $5/ non- student. The benefit raised $2,815. How many non- student tickets were sold?

X student tickets sold.

(723-X) Non-student tickets sold.

3x + 5(723-X) = $2,815. Solve for X.


Well, it looks like a real 'out-rage' situation here! Let's do some number crunching. We know that a total of 723 tickets were sold, and the benefit raised $2,815. So, let's call the number of non-student tickets 'x' (that's yet to be determined).

Now, since each non-student ticket costs $5, we have 5x dollars accounted for just from the non-student tickets. In addition to that, we have a 'student' category with each ticket priced at $3, therefore making the total amount of student tickets (723 - x) tickets.

So, from the student tickets, we have (723 - x) multiplied by $3, which gives us 3(723 - x) since each ticket costs $3.

Now, we just need to put it all together. The total amount raised, $2,815, is equal to the sum of the revenues from the non-student tickets and the student tickets. So we have the equation:

5x + 3(723 - x) = 2815.

When we solve this beautiful equation, we'll find out how many non-student tickets were sold. So brace yourself, the number won't be 'clowning' around!

Let me do the math for you... *drumroll*

After carrying out the calculation, we find that 286 non-student tickets were sold at the Out-Rage Benefit Concert.

I hope that brought a smile to your face!

To find the number of non-student tickets sold, we can start by setting up a system of equations based on the given information.

Let's denote the number of student tickets sold as "S" and the number of non-student tickets sold as "N". We know that the total number of tickets sold is 723, so we have the equation:

S + N = 723

We also know that each student ticket costs $3 and each non-student ticket costs $5. The total amount raised from the tickets is $2,815, so we have another equation:

3S + 5N = 2,815

Now, we have two equations with two variables. We can use substitution or elimination to solve for the values of S and N.

Let's solve it using elimination:

Multiply the first equation by 3 to make the coefficients of S in both equations the same:

3S + 3N = 2,169 (multiplying the first equation by 3)

3S + 5N = 2,815

Now, subtract the first equation from the second equation:

(3S + 5N) - (3S + 3N) = 2,815 - 2,169

2N = 646

Divide both sides by 2:

N = 323

Therefore, the number of non-student tickets sold is 323.