Hermit crabs rely on a supply of empty mollusk shells that they inhabit.

What is the function of the relative pronoun in the clause 'That they inhabit'?

A. Possessive
B. Object of a preposition
C. Direct object
D. Subject

I think it is either direct object or subject. What confuses me is they can replace hermit crabs, so the answer might be subject. If 'That they inhabit' relates to the shells, then the answer is direct object. Any hints to help me find the right answer now and on future questions?

First, find the verb in that clause. Then tell us who or what is doing that action.

The verb in the clause is inhabit. The subject is they.


So "that" is the direct object!

Okay, I think I got this. The subject is they and the verb is inhabit. "That" became a direct object. I think I understand! Thank you very much. I keep getting confused on questions like these in my homework. Thanks again, I am very grateful.

You're very welcome.

I've always thought relative pronouns are tricky, and the need to identify the verb first and then the subject is the only way I can keep these things straight in my mind!!


To determine the function of the relative pronoun in the clause "That they inhabit," we need to analyze the structure of the sentence.

First, let's identify the antecedent of the relative pronoun "that." In this case, the antecedent is "empty mollusk shells." So, the clause "that they inhabit" describes or provides additional information about the "empty mollusk shells."

Now, let's analyze the options:

A. Possessive: This option indicates ownership, but there is no possession being implied in the clause.

B. Object of a preposition: A preposition is missing in the given clause.

C. Direct object: The direct object receives the action of the verb, and in this case, the clause is not functioning as the direct object.

D. Subject: The subject typically indicates who or what is performing the action of the verb. In this case, the clause "That they inhabit" does not function as the subject.

Given the options, neither (C) direct object nor (D) subject accurately describes the function of the relative pronoun in the clause.

The correct answer is B. Object of a preposition. Although the preposition is missing in the given clause, if we reconstruct the sentence to include the preposition, it would be something like, "They inhabit the empty mollusk shells." In this case, "that" is the object of the preposition "in" (or any other suitable preposition that fits the sentence).

To improve your understanding and find the right answer in future questions, here are a few tips:

1. Break down the sentence: Analyze the sentence structure by identifying the subject, verb, objects, clauses, and phrases present.

2. Identify the function of each element: Determine the specific role each word or phrase plays in the sentence (e.g., subject, object, prepositional phrase, relative clause).

3. Consider the context: Think about the meaning of the sentence and how each element contributes to conveying that meaning. Consider the relationships between the words and phrases.

4. Pay attention to grammar rules: Familiarize yourself with different parts of speech and their functions in a sentence. This will help you identify the correct answer more easily.

Remember that practice is key when it comes to understanding sentence structure and identifying the function of different elements within a sentence.