Ursula wrote the sum 5.815 + 6.021 as a sum of two mixed numbers.

A. What sum did she write?
B. Compare the sum of the mixed numbers to the sum of the decimals.

.815 = 815/1000

.021 = 21/1000

So, she added thusly:

5 815/1000 + 6 21/1000 = 11 876/1000 = 11 219/250

To convert the sum of 5.815 + 6.021 into a sum of two mixed numbers, we need to separate the whole number part from the decimal part. Here's how you can do it:

A. To write the sum as a sum of two mixed numbers:
Step 1: Separate the whole number parts from the decimals. In this case, the whole number parts are 5 and 6 respectively.
Step 2: Separate the decimal parts from the whole numbers. The decimal parts are .815 and .021 respectively.
Step 3: Add the whole numbers separately, which gives 5 + 6 = 11.
Step 4: Add the decimal parts separately, which gives .815 + .021 = .836.
Step 5: Combine the whole number sum and the decimal sum to get the final answer. So, Ursula wrote the sum 5.815 + 6.021 as 11.836 (11 and 836/1000).

B. To compare the sum of the mixed numbers to the sum of the decimals:
The sum of the mixed numbers is 11 and 836/1000, and the sum of the decimals is 11.836. By comparing the two, we can see that the sum of the mixed numbers is less precise than the sum of the decimals. This is because the mixed numbers are rounded to the nearest thousandth, while the decimals carry more decimal places.