Which of these nonterminating decimals can be converted into a rational number?

A. 0.626226222...
B. 0.020220222...
C. 0.123123123...
D. 0.898998999...
Is the answer C?

C is correct, Callie.

its c from 2022

To determine which of these nonterminating decimals can be converted into a rational number, we need to check if the decimal repeats or follows a pattern.

First, let's take a closer look at each option:
A. 0.626226222...
B. 0.020220222...
C. 0.123123123...
D. 0.898998999...

To check if a decimal repeats, we can use the method of long division or observe the pattern.

A. For option A, when we perform long division, we find that the decimal repeats the sequence 626. Therefore, A can be converted into a rational number.

B. For option B, when we perform long division, we get a repeating digit sequence of 0202. Therefore, B can be converted into a rational number.

C. For option C, when we observe the decimal, we notice a repeating digit pattern of 123. Therefore, C can be converted into a rational number.

D. For option D, when we perform long division, we find a repeating digit sequence of 899. Therefore, D can be converted into a rational number.

So, based on the analysis, all the given options (A, B, C, and D) can be converted into rational numbers, not just C.

How? Because C. is repeating like a rational number is supposed to and a is non-repeating?