if there are 96 calories in a 3/4 cup serving. How many calories are in 5 cups? How do you do the math?


96 calories in a 3/4 cup serving

We need to find out how many calories in 5 cup.


Set up a equation for the ratio of calories to cup serving.

96/(3/4) = x/5

Solve for x to get your answer


96 calories to 3/4 cup how many calories in 6 cups

To find out how many calories are in 5 cups, you can use a proportion based on the given information. Here's how you can do the math:

Step 1: Determine the number of cups in the given serving size.
A 3/4 cup serving contains 96 calories.

Step 2: Set up a proportion based on the cups and calories relationship:
3/4 cup = 96 calories

Step 3: Simplify the fraction (optional):
To simplify the fraction, you can divide both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor (GCD), which is 3 in this case. So, 3/4 becomes 1/4.

1/4 cup = 96 calories

Step 4: Find out how many cups are in 5 cups by using the proportion:
1/4 cup = 96 calories
5 cups = x (unknown calories)

To find x, you can cross multiply and solve for x:
(1/4) * 5 = 96 * x
5/4 = 96x

Step 5: Solve for x:
Multiply both sides of the equation by 4/5 to isolate x:
(5/4) * (4/5) = (96x) * (4/5)
5/5 = 384x/5
1 = 384x/5

To solve for x, multiply both sides of the equation by 5/384:
(1) * (5/384) = (384x/5) * (5/384)
5/384 = x

Therefore, there are 5/384 (approximately 0.013) cups in 5 cups.

Step 6: Calculate the number of calories in 5 cups:
Now that we know there are 5/384 cups in 5 cups, we can calculate the number of calories by setting up another proportion:

1/4 cup = 96 calories
5/384 cups = x calories

Cross multiplying:
(1/4) * (5/384) = (96) * (x)
5/1536 = 96x

To solve for x, multiply both sides of the equation by 1536/5:
(5/1536) * (1536/5) = (96x) * (1536/5)
1 = 147456x/5

To solve for x, multiply both sides of the equation by 5/147456:
(1) * (5/147456) = (147456x/5) * (5/147456)
5/147456 = x

Therefore, there are approximately 0.000034 calories in 5 cups.

Final Answer: After rounding, there are approximately 0.000034 calories in 5 cups. Keep in mind that this is an extremely small amount and is most likely negligible for practical purposes.