____________ is an application program included with Windows that allows the contents of the computer, the hierarchy of folders on the computer, and the files and folders in each folder to be viewed.


file explorer

Windows File Explorer


file explorer

The application program included with Windows that allows the contents of the computer, the hierarchy of folders on the computer, and the files and folders in each folder to be viewed is called File Explorer.

To open File Explorer, you can do one of the following:
1. Click on the "Start" button in the bottom left corner of the screen, then click on "File Explorer" from the Start menu.
2. Press the "Windows" key + "E" key on your keyboard simultaneously. This will directly open File Explorer.
3. Open any folder or file and click on the "File" tab at the top of the screen. Then select "Open Windows Explorer" or "Open File Explorer" from the menu, depending on the version of Windows you are using.

Once File Explorer is open, you will see a navigation pane on the left side, which displays a tree-like structure of folders and drives on your computer. You can expand and collapse folders to navigate between different levels of the hierarchy.

In the main section of File Explorer, you will see the contents of the currently selected folder or drive, including both files and subfolders. You can sort, search, and perform various operations on files and folders within File Explorer.

Overall, File Explorer is a convenient tool for browsing and managing the files and folders on your Windows computer.