Ben is reading a book that is 48 pages long . Joy is reading one that is 64 pages longer that Ben's .Terry is reading one that is twice as long as Joy's . How many pages are in Joy and Terry's books .?

48+64 + 2(48+64) = 336



To find out how many pages are in Joy's book, we need to add 64 pages to the number of pages in Ben's book. Since Ben's book has 48 pages, Joy's book has 48 + 64 = 112 pages.

To find out how many pages are in Terry's book, we need to multiply the number of pages in Joy's book by 2. Since Joy's book has 112 pages, Terry's book has 112 x 2 = 224 pages.

Therefore, Joy's book has 112 pages and Terry's book has 224 pages.
