what is the fastest unit rate of 1 mile ?

To determine the fastest unit rate of 1 mile, we need to know the time it takes to cover that distance. The unit rate is calculated by dividing the distance traveled by the time taken.

For example, if you cover 1 mile in 1 minute, then the unit rate would be 1 mile per minute. If you cover 1 mile in 30 seconds, then the unit rate would be 2 miles per minute since you would be covering 2 miles in a minute.

To find the fastest unit rate of 1 mile, you would need to find the shortest time it takes to cover that distance. This could be accomplished through various means, such as a car's top speed, a sprinter's running speed, or the speed of an object in motion.

Once you have the time it takes to cover 1 mile at the fastest speed possible, you can calculate the unit rate by dividing the distance (1 mile) by the time taken.