Virginina and New Jersey Plans

Independence Hall, Philadelphia
Great Compromise and 3/5ths Compromise

What did the above significant events and places led our country to create?
A.The Articles of Confederation
B.Treaty of Paris
C.US Constitution
D.Northwest Ordinances


Yes. C is right.

Yes, the above significant events and places led our country to create the US Constitution.

To arrive at this answer, it is important to understand the context of the events and places mentioned:

1. Virginia and New Jersey Plans: These were two competing proposals during the Constitutional Convention of 1787. The Virginia Plan, presented by larger states, proposed a bicameral legislature with representation based on population, while the New Jersey Plan, presented by smaller states, advocated for equal representation for all states. The controversy surrounding these plans necessitated a compromise.

2. Independence Hall, Philadelphia: This is the location where the Constitutional Convention took place in 1787. Delegates from the states came together to draft a new governing document for the United States.

3. Great Compromise: This compromise, also known as the Connecticut Compromise, was the agreement reached during the Constitutional Convention. It combined elements of the Virginia and New Jersey Plans and created a bicameral legislature with the House of Representatives based on population and the Senate with equal representation for each state.

4. 3/5ths Compromise: This compromise addressed the issue of how enslaved individuals would be counted for the purposes of representation and taxation. It determined that each enslaved person would be counted as three-fifths of a person for these purposes.

The culmination of these events, along with other deliberations during the Constitutional Convention, led to the creation and adoption of the US Constitution in 1787. Therefore, the correct answer is C. US Constitution.